• Glenn Wayne Trede

    Computer Technician

    Originating from San Diego, CA, Glenn Wayne Trede's story is a testament to a remarkable and unconventional journey. At 17, a period typically marked by adolescent challenges, he embarked on a significant spiritual adventure by entering a monastery. This environment, defined by its peace and strict discipline, became his arena for deeply engaging in yoga meditation. This experience was not just a retreat but a crucial building block that instilled in him a profound sense of unity with the divine.


    From Monastic Seclusion to Contemporary Life Challenges


    A Monastic Beginning


    At 17, Glenn launched into a deep spiritual journey, embracing the disciplined and reflective life of a monk. In the quiet of the monastery, he dedicated three years to yoga meditation, aiming to forge a deep connection with the divine. This formative period profoundly influenced his outlook and provided a robust foundation for the resilience and introspection that would mark his later life.


    Trials by Fire


    At 21, soon after Glenn Wayne left the monastic life to engage with the world again, he faced a severe motorcycle accident that resulted in brain trauma and two broken femurs, dramatically altering his trajectory. The next six years were marked by a series of part-time jobs, ranging from a security guard to an aircraft parts inspector and shipper, each role challenging him and building his capacity for resilience and adaptation.


    A Technological Journey


    Rebirth through Education


    1986 was a watershed year for Glenn when he decided to redefine his life by pursuing an education in computer technology. Demonstrating his intelligence and commitment, he achieved a GPA of 90%, showcasing his ability to grasp and excel in complex subject matter. This academic success carved a path for him into the professional tech arena.


    Ascending the Corporate Ladder


    Glenn Wayne Trede started his tech career modestly, but his innovative mindset and proactive nature quickly led to rapid professional advancement. He secured a managerial position, taking on pivotal tasks and significantly contributing to high-profile clients like Southern CA Edison and the Los Angeles Department of Water. His commitment was further highlighted when he traveled overnight from Los Angeles to Maryland to fix a critical error, proving his reliability and expertise.


    Personal Life and Endeavors


    Ventures in Love and Business


    Glenn's personal life has been as dynamic as his professional one. In 1992, he married a Brazilian woman, briefly experiencing the world of Amway before the marriage dissolved. Nonetheless, he found love again in 1995 and has been married for 28 years since. They ventured into several entrepreneurial activities with his wife, from managing a real estate property to owning a Chinese restaurant that won a community award, showcasing his entrepreneurial spirit and dedication to excellence.


    A Return to Core Passions


    After numerous successes, Glenn eventually circled back to his foundational passions: computer technology and spiritual practices. Working as a dispatcher, his innovative and efficient approach, rooted in his monastic training and devotion, demonstrated his ability to integrate spiritual insights into secular vocations.


    Life Beyond Work


    Glenn Wayne not only focuses on work and spirituality but also embraces a variety of interests. He enjoys gardening and nature, which he regards as divine, and continues to engage in surfing, a passion since his school days. He also participated in baseball and football throughout his education, embracing life's physical joys and simple pleasures.


    Glenn's narrative offers profound lessons on resilience, the pursuit of knowledge, and the crucial role of spiritual grounding in achieving personal and professional success. Through a myriad of experiences, from the solitude of the monastery to the dynamic challenges of the tech world, he exemplifies wisdom and adaptability. His life vividly illustrates the human spirit's capacity to overcome, adapt, and excel in the face of life's diverse challenges.


    Throughout Glenn Wayne Trede's life, he has adeptly blended his monastic learning with the demands of the technological world. As society moves toward greater complexity, his journey sheds light for future entrepreneurs, technologists, and spiritual seekers, reinforcing the enduring truth that the integration of spirituality and science yields the most authentic and powerful wisdom.